How To Start Blogging Free - SEO Tutorial | Blogging - TechKeGuruJi.Com

How To Start Blogging Free - SEO Tutorial | Blogging

How To Start Blogging Free - SEO Tutorial | Blogging

How To Start Blogging Free: Hello, Everyone.!! I am Rahul. today I am gonna start a whole new series of posts that peoples used to ask me on Social media and groups. Well after all the requests and questions I have decided to start this SEO tutorial on "How to start Blogging" and all aspects related to Blogging like Building Backlinks, SEO Optimization, Getting Traffic to your Website and Building Website Reputation of your Blog. I am gonna do this all step by step to make everything Clear and effective to you. I hope you will appreciate this Guidelines and give me proper feedback on these posts. If I got Good Response I will continue Writing this Guide Deeply. Make sure that you share this post more and more that I get the good response to continuing my writing. Well starting the guide now lets go.!


Where to start Blogging (First Step):

So, You have decided to start a website for Earning Money. you have to ask yourself following questions before starting your Blogging:

Blog Ideas - Creative Ideas
  • What are the Topics I can Write and think about?
  • Am I doing this alone or with a Blogging team?
  • With whom I am going to share my Posts?
  • In which Topics my Audience is Interested in?
  • How much time I can give to Blogging?
After getting the answers to all this question, you are actually ready to start your professional writing platform. Now let's go to the Second Step for "How To Start Blogging Free".

Choosing Suitable Blogging Platform (How To Start Blogging Free):

You have to select among several blogging platforms whether it is with Php or Html. But nowadays Wordpress and Blogger have mostly used Platforms among all. you can select one as per your budget and comfort. But personally, I recommend a Wordpress Blog if you are new to Blogging. With Wordpress, it becomes very easy to Publish and Optimize Posts and There are several plugins like Yoast Plugin for SEO available at Wordpress.

Wordpress vs Blogger | How To Start Blogging Free

If we talk about Blogger (A Google`s Product) which is 100% Free of cost but the main disadvantage is that, you don't have enough options to automatic Optimization and fewer Features as compared to Wordpress. But after all, if you are Beginner to this Field and really wanna learn How To Start Blogging Free, you can choose Blogger as well. 

So that's all for today please give your Feedback to me that i can improve my tutorials and Guidance and I will soon post another article about What`s next.


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