Top 10 Mentioned Books on StackOverFlow - Best Code Learning Books | Techkeguruji
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Top 10 Mentioned Books on StackOverflow - Best Code Learning Books Techkeguruji |
Hey, Hii Guys, We have Analysed around 30,000000 Questions and Answers to Bring you the Better Books available online and On Stores. StackOverflow is one of the best FAQ Portal Online for Coders and Developers. So that is the only place to find what best for a Programmer, Agree?
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So, We have Analysed over 30,000000 Questions and Answers on StackOverflow to Decide what are these Best programming Books. this is obvious that only a Programmer and Teacher can suggest the best source so here they are:
#1 Working Effectively with Legacy Codes (By, Micheal C. Feathers):
- There is More Emphasis on old Code (some are as far back as 1988) that Nobody understands, mainly because it is Harder to Work With.
- Refactoring Browsers and Mocks are Explained very Effectively.
- Different Diagrams can help you a lot to understand how to Code.
#2 Design Patterns (By, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides and Grady Booch):

- If you are a Professional Software Developer, you must read this Book.
- This book will change your thinking about object- Oriented Programming.
- This Book follows the Flexible and Dynamic Design Philosophy.
- The book Examples about Text Writing Programs, Windowing and Drawing.
- This Book Offers a Lengthy Before Getting to the Patterns.
#3 Clean Code (By, Robert C, Martin):

- The Book has lots of advice and provides many resources and a Framework for thinking about the Subject.
- The Book is Strongly against with Being in the Flow of Program that is very interesting.
#4 Java Concurrency in Practice (By, Brien Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes and Doug Lea ):
- The Book is all about the Concurrency in JAVA in all the versions and emphasis on writing Practical Codes.

- The Book is extremely well written and very easy to Read.
- This book has snippet as the example of the program that makes it more effective and better.
#5 Domain-Driven Design (By, Erick Evens):
- This Books Emphasis on ways to incorporate the Domain modelling into software Development.
#6 JavaScript (By, Douglas Crockford):
- This book is Best for effectively learn JavaScript and JQuery Text.
- Author`s writing is Personable and Clear.
#7 Code Complete (By, Steave McConnell):

- This Book has Solid instructions writing better routines, pseudocodes, Nested Loops and agile methods etc.
- This Book is good for both Beginner to programming and Professional Programmer.
#8 Head First Design Pattern (By, Erick Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra and Elisabeth Robson ):

- This book has the best introduction to Object oriented programming.
- This is actually a well thought-out discussion of java Design pattern and Object-oriented Programming.
#9 The C Programming Language (By, Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Richie):

- This Book can teach you good Programming Style, Code reuse, Clear Comments etc.
- The book focuses on the language itself.
- This Book contains Datatypes, pointers, variables and finally look into Unix OS.
#10 Effective C++ (By, Scott Meyers):
- This Book helps you to improve Programs and Designs.
- This Book contains almost everything from Beginning to End about C++
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