How To Secure Social Media & Digital Footprints - Internet Footprints | Techkeguruji

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By the way, Let's Come to the Point again and Discuss, What is Digital Footprint or Internet Footprint? well here we go:
What is a Digital Footprint
Every time when you create an account on social media you show your presence online. There are a Huge number of places where you used to visit daily and you can found your Digital Footprints there. Let it be any of followings:
So these are called Digital Footprint or Internet Footprint. If you have any of upper Social account then yes you are a Social animal Too. Actually, if you are reading this article then you are online. these things can cheat you too by losing your personal information. So how to keep secure?
Step #1 Delete Unnecessary Social Accounts (Internet Footprint):
It is the First and most basic step, saying that if you have multiple accounts then just deactivate them. This is the part of your internet privacy, which can affect your Internet Footprints. Why would somebody like to have multiple accounts of the same person? Try Deactivating all your useless Social media account, if you are not using then for a Long.
And the most advisable note Plese never let any untrusted website handle your Flash Player Plugins, I mean Never!
And yes you can save a Backup of them all if you want to have. you can save a backup of your Flicker Pictures, Your Facebook Images etc.
Step #2 Delete Unnecessary E-Mail Accounts:
Have multiple Email accounts? Then Delete them all, before someone Cheats you, We recommend you to erase your name from the internet.
Some Most Popular mail Clients are:
yahoo Mail
Nowadays Email Spams are most viral, You start getting the email from unknown sources like Credit Card spams and Money related Spam Mails. So Never loose your privacy and Delete all of them as soon as Possible.
Step #3 Delete Other Unusual Accounts:
Yes, you should delete any other account too, consider you have created an account on a Discussion forum or on a Website that Asks you for Sign up before doing anything.
This may also include any Dating or personal Account whatever this is a Gaming Portal account or a Question & Answering portal.
Step #4 Remove Cached Search Engine History:
If You are Searching for something on Google, Then you will have Suggestions next to the Search Box that is Possible just because of Cache on your Web Browser. There are Number of Search Engine Nowadays which we use, Some of Them are;
There are Some Websites are available which can help clearing your browsing history Deeply, even from the side of Search Engine, like you can sign up for it after it, Delete the Account of it too.
Step #5 Self-Minimize your Footprints Growth:
It is obvious that, until you decide yourself for taking control over these privacy options Nothing will happen, You should take control of creating new and useless accounts. Never Create too many accounts without any reason. this is a Little Fact, But it can be very harmful to you if you Ignored it.
Actually, it is very true that Social media can be our best time pass, but not always. Sometimes your worst movement of life Online. So Be Safe be Secure.!
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