Apple ‪iPhone 6 and 6 Plus‬‬ - Issue of Touch Screen | - TechKeGuruJi.Com

Apple ‪iPhone 6 and 6 Plus‬‬ - Issue of Touch Screen |

      The Great Brand Apple is now in problem because this brand believe in Quality and better Performance and no doubt this brand is as awesome as we all know. but in the latest models of Apple I phones has an issue with related to its touch screen. but the Company is still Silent about this issue maybe they are trieng to figure this problem out silently.

Apple Smartphone

      Apple has a Great Operating system and Hardware that any individual can trust on it with blind eyes. So we are sure Apple will maintain its goodwill in the Market. And it is also clear that it will not make any effect on the marketting of Apple Smartphones.

       Not all only two of recent smartphones has this problem that smartphones are Apple iphone 6 and Apple iphone 6 plus. users says they saw somthing Green on the top of the touchscreen. Some Engineers says that is Cause of Design Flow of the Smartphone.
       Well whatever the problem is we all will wait for the fixture of the problem on the Apple Devices. and users still saying Love you Apple. 
Check out latest apple iphone 7 #TechKeGuruJi

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