“Life Is Much More Than Board Results,” Tweeted IAS Officer Who Got Just Passing Marks In 12th
Every person in this world is unique and comparing one person to another on the basis of any parameter is completely wrong. However, we get to see that parents compare their kids with other children, especially on the basis of their results in examinations. There is no denying the fact that good grades or marks can serve as an advantage in the future but it also doesn’t mean that those who have achieved fewer marks won’t be able to do anything good in their lives. If for a moment we reduce our obsession with marks and look around us, we will find that there are many successful people in this world who were either poor or average in studies during their school days. Nevertheless, these people worked hard in order to fulfill their dreams and made not just themselves but their parents proud as well.
Here in this article, we present an example which will make you understand that your marks are not your identity and they don’t have the power to define you. While many youngsters were sad after not being able to score good marks in the board exams, an IAS officer Nitin Sangwan shared his story and revealed that he barely managed to pass in his Chemistry examination in 12th class board examinations as he scored 24 marks which was just one mark more than passing marks. He wrote that his marks didn’t decide what he wanted to achieve in life and then asked the youngsters not be upset with their results. He also asked them to use this moment as a chance to self-analyze rather than criticize.
See his marksheet:
His tweet read, “In my 12th exams, I got 24 marks in Chemistry – just 1 mark above passing marks. But that didn’t decide what I wanted from my life. Don’t bog down kids with burden of marks. Life is much more than board results. Let results be an opportunity for introspection & not for criticism”.
Here is the tweet:
In my 12th exams, I got 24 marks in Chemistry – just 1 mark above passing marks. But that didn't decide what I wanted from my life
Don't bog down kids with burden of marks
Life is much more than board results
Let results be an opportunity for introspection & not for criticism pic.twitter.com/wPNoh9A616
— Nitin Sangwan, IAS (@nitinsangwan) July 13, 2020
Many people appreciated the IAS officer for the courage of accepting and showing that he got fewer marks whereas some of them shared their struggles as well which is certainly inspiring for those who are soaked in the grief of scoring less percentage in board exams.
Check out some of the selected reactions:
English did same for me. Still struggling
— Parveen Kaswan, IFS (@ParveenKaswan) July 14, 2020
I got 26 in chemistry Theory…done msc in chemistry….12 year experience in teaching chemistry at intermediate level…recently got selected in Jharkhand pcs…do my advice to the student…don't dishearten if u got less marks …life will give u many chance..grab anyone.
— Nilam Kumari (@NilamKu12323421) July 15, 2020
Absolutely right sir, Nowadays many parents force their children's to score good marks in board. Marks doesn't decide our future. There are many examples in our society like you , who acheive their goals with knowledge and dedication towards our gaol.
— Abhinay Yadav (@abhinay7060) July 14, 2020
Very well said Sir.. I got 65% in 12th and 51% in https://t.co/sZxuQinVxR and today I take interview of candidates who scored 90+ percent. Certainly your marks can never decide your future. If you are hars working and talented then you’ll find your way.
— Vivek Singh (@vivek_Dell) July 14, 2020
I failed to make entry in U-GAT but never bowed and tried in https://t.co/LV1bHVTA63(Hons) and Alhamdulihah i successfully cracked that entrance.
— Talib طالب (@salfie_talib) July 14, 2020
Totally agree with you on this. Formal academic evaluation is highly overrated. Here is my 12th marksheet. I quit formal education soon after. Today I run a company that manufactures critical components for the Oil & Gas industry. Life has been my biggest teacher. pic.twitter.com/reB9J9qatS
— Siddharth Shah (@alchemist_sid) July 14, 2020
Agree. I had 13 marks in Maths in Class 10, not even passing marks!!! This hasn't stopped me from becoming what I am today. Life is a different calculation all together, 13 in Maths has no value today.
— vineeta pandey (@p_vineeta) July 14, 2020
We must focus on the unique qualities of every individual kid . These days childen are facing lot of issues related to mental health specially .
I think if we teach them how to handle stress during their childhood then only they will excel in their life.— TarangYogaAshram (@TarangYoga) July 14, 2020
Amongst all subjects I got the lowest in Chemistry. 63%. Despite the fact that I could have gotten into Pilani or Annamalai Univ in those days I decided to pursue chemistry as a challenge. I am a PhD from IIT M now and an entrepreneur in a scientific field.
— Sankara Subramanian (@rsankaras) July 14, 2020
My friend and hostel roommate had scored 35/100 (just pass) in Maths in 3rd semester of engg. He cracked the campus selection the next year, on the very same day the re-test for 3rd sem Maths was being held.
Now he works for Apple in USA. Marks do not reflect reality always—
(@bubun_s) July 14, 2020
Well said. Always encourage the students without pressuring them to high levels of stress. As Einstein quoted “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” pic.twitter.com/BUbru8OeP4— viren patel (@shaakbhaji) July 14, 2020
Way ahead It's not the figures that matters . Marks are only a signpost along your journey through education. Goal is to gain knowledge , not marks!Our Education System Is Only Focused On Exams. Knowledge Is Not A Priority and it's high time to focus that knowledge matters!!
— Aprajita Kumari (@aprajita_sa) July 14, 2020
Yesterday itself only i was upset with my child thanks for your factuals which will help me to encourage my child you have proved where there is a will there is a way.
— MOHAMMAD NULWALLA (@mohammadnulwala) July 14, 2020
Completely agree Nitin.
Low Marks in a exam, can be a bad day, year or so on but cannot decide your future.
It is when you yourself bow down, you get defeated.
Cheers! to all those who have failed but had the courage to bounce back.— Jayesh Kumar Gohil (@JayeshKumarGoh1) July 14, 2020
That takes real guts to show how u have fared in a subject. Yes, marks u secure and what u become in life are entirely different
— Niharika Sahoo (@niharikasahoo) July 14, 2020
Life does not end with board exams and there will be many chances to prove yourself in the future so just take a deep breath and plan your next move!
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