CBSE Book Defines Modern Girl As Selfish And One Who Imitates Boys. Gets Trolled Badly On Twitter - TechKeGuruJi.Com

CBSE Book Defines Modern Girl As Selfish And One Who Imitates Boys. Gets Trolled Badly On Twitter

Ever since the inception of humanity, humans have always grown and modernized. There is nothing wrong with being modern. It just means you have adapted yourself to the changes times. However, the way the word “modern” has been stereotyped today, it had never happened earlier. The way people especially women are criticised today for being modern is disgusting as well as hilarious.

An essay about the “Modern Girl” from a CBSE book has been doing rounds on the social media. The way it defines the “Modern Girl” will make you feel disgusted and ask yourself, “Are they serious?”

The essay written by Purabi Chakraborty, M.A. (English ) defines the “Modern Girl” as self-centred and the one who loves to imitate boys. A part of the essay reads as-

She loves to wear jeans, pants and hot pants. The colourful sarees have no place in a will girl’s stock of garments. The modem girl sees films, TV pmgrammes and tries to copy the hairstyle, dressstyle and mannerism of the actors. She loves the latest cuts and designs and runs after the new, showy,eye-catching dresses

It also says-

The modern girl is no longer shy, obedient and homely creature as she used to be… She claims for her rights as she wants to enjoy life like the boys. She is more a self-centered creature than a loving daughter or sympathetic sister.

Take a look at the post below-

You can also check the pic below-

The essay is being heavily criticized by the netizens. Take a look at some reactions-








Don’t you think people really need to open up their brains and let it get some oxygen for a while?

The post CBSE Book Defines Modern Girl As Selfish And One Who Imitates Boys. Gets Trolled Badly On Twitter appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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