Best 5 Python libraries 0f 2017 - Python Programming | - TechKeGuruJi.Com

Best 5 Python libraries 0f 2017 - Python Programming |

Best 5 Python libraries 0f 2017 - Python Programming
                  You have viewed python libraries much time on the web, like Best python Libraries of 2015, or Top useful python libraries blah blah blah. By the way, We are here with the best Libraries of Python of 2017. We are sure you will like them so much. or maybe they are Best from your point of view too. We have chosen these Best 5 libraries from the popularity within Programmers and Engineers. Before that Don`t Forget to Follow us on Twitter for Latest Update

So We were talking about Best 5 python Libraries of 2017, here they are: 

1. Zappa

With Zappa, each request is given by its own HTTP  by Amazon API Gateway.
This is all about Serverless Architecture. It handles Horizontal scaling automatically, freeing you from:
  • Most of the most tedious Server Configurations. 
  • Its 100% Free, you don't have to pay for 24/7 uptime.
  • You don't have to care about Scaling/Balancing.
  • no need to worry about Web Server Security.

2. Bot3

Best 5 Python libraries 0f 2017 - Python Programming
It's an Amazon Web Service Software Development Kit, allows you to Develop software like Amazon A3 and-and Amazon EC2. Bot3 is a Data-driven approach, which makes you free to generate classes at Runtime. You should be up to date with previous BOTO because it is much faster and advanced than that. You will have all the Amazon API Latest features into BOT3.

3. TensorFlow

TenseorFlow was released by Google in 2015, It's a well known and Popular python libraries of all time. This library was Ranked first on Google and Github very soon, as it is a Library for Numerical Computation using Python data flow graphs. tensorFlow is able to run on GPU as well as CPU. very Soon TensorFlow becomes in TREND of Machine Learning and even in research and Production too.

4. Bokeh

Maybe you have heard about python data Visualization libraries like matplotlib and others. by the way, Bokeh is created for Interactive Visualization, which uses Modern web browsers for Representation. bokeh creates an Area which allows you to explore the data from a Web Browser. bokeh also provides an Optional Server Tool i.e bokeh Server, which you can use for your Research and Production. Bokeh is so popular because of its High-performance interactivity, interactive visualization, Streaming data, transformation etc.

5. arrow

Best 5 Python libraries 0f 2017 - Python Programming
Have you ever have tried managing DataTimes in python? then probably you know about DateTime date, Calendar, TZ info, TimeDelta, RelativeDelta, Pytz etc. these are called Gazillion Modules and types. 

Now, the arrow is a datatype for a human. It allows you to create, manupulate, format and convert dates, time and Timestamps. it supports python 2 and python 3 and provides you much clean interface and functionality.

So, guys, these were the Best 5 python libraries which are in trend right now, please don't forget to share and subscribe and let us know what we missed? we will surely add them. you can like our facebook page for much cool stuff like this, facebook page is at the right corner of our Website. peace.!

Tags: graph library python, python, python code library, python graph library, python graphics library, python image library, python library, python math library, python programming

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